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Six nations' representatives met in Gyöngyös

The project WE4EU2022 (project number: 101053930) was launched in May 2022 at the Mátra Wine Days and implemented with direct funding from Brussels, closed in the banquet hall of the Gyöngyös Town Hall on the weekend of the Harvest Days Festival. The project was implemented in ten events by six municipalities from six countries. In the 1,5 half yer term project, addition to Gyöngyös, the project also involved Lucenec in Slovakia, Mělník in the Czech Republic, Lodygowice in Poland, Târgu Secuiesc in Romania and Lendava in Slovenia. The six cities have met 10 times, with the aim of strengthening personal contacts as well as building international relations. In the future, these will provide a solid basis for the cities to bid for larger EU tenders in consortia.

"We managed to make friends, get to know each other's culture, gastronomy and working methods, and discussed how to participate in the European Union tenders in the most efficient way and how to use these funds in the best way," said Tamás Kévés, Deputy Mayor of Gyöngyös, adding that the cities exchanged important experiences on how to properly deal with the problems caused by war and inflation and how to survive them. At the 10 meetings held under the project, the cities also developed joint development ideas, as well as learning about each other's good practices, traditions and heritage.

The implementation of the project was coordinated by Dr. Lénártné Bene Anikó, Managing Director of the Gyöngyös Urban Area Development Nonprofit Ltd. The consortium is planning further cooperation, so the project that has now been completed could be a precursor for further tenders and further cooperation between the participating cities. A tree planting ceremony was held at the end of the project. In the area adjacent to the Active House project, also funded by the EU, each of the participating municipalities planted a tree as a symbol of the fruitful relationship.


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