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6 krajín, 6 miest, viac spoločných cieľov.

Toto je projekt s názvom: 

Tieto mesta a krajiny: Gyöngyös z Maďarska. Târgu Secuiesc z Rumunska. Lendava zo Slovinska. Lučenec zo Slovenska. Łodygowice z Poľska. Mělník z Českej republiky.

Tvoria konzorcium, ktoré bude realizovať ich spoločne predložený víťazný CERV Programme projekt.

Ich cieľom je spolupracovať na spoločnej stratégii projektov, ktoré budú môcť realizovať v programovom období EÚ do roku 2027. Pomocou 10 odborných stretnutí, ktoré sa v rámci projektu zrealizujú, chcú navzájom spoznávať svoje tradície a kultúru. Cieľom je uprednostniť budovanie osobných vzťahov medzi obyvateľmi mesta. Kľúčovým cieľom je vytvoriť a rozvíjať sociálne, ekonomické, environmentálne a kultúrne vzťahy v Európe za účasti miestnych orgánov a ich združení, vrátane podnikateľov, mimovládnych organizácií a miestnych občanov. To všetko prostredníctvom odborných workshopov, ako aj kultúrnych a gastronomických sprievodných podujatí. Posúdia sa miestne potreby a kapacity a možnosti, ktoré ponúka EÚ, partneri sa predstavia prostredníctvom tematických mládežníckych programov, stretnutí, komunikačných školení, obchodných fór, občianskych diskusií a verejných spoločenských podujatí s účasťou miestneho obyvateľstva. Každá obec zozbiera návrhy projektov a vytvorí zoznam rozvojových projektov, ktoré sa plánujú realizovať do roku 2027. Toto bude tvoriť základ stratégie spolupráce na predkladanie spoločných žiadostí. Projekt vytvorí novú sieť EÚ pozostávajúcu zo 6 krajín, 6 samospráv a množstva mimovládnych organizácií a podnikov. Táto sieť bude mať všetky kapacity na to, aby pomohla regionálnemu rozvoju, ekonomickej stabilite, zlepšila dlhodobú kvalitu života miestnych občanov a znížila nezamestnanosť mladých ľudí a negatívnu migráciu.

Názov projektu: WE4EU2022

Číslo projektu: 101053930

Výška financovania: 185 000 EUR

Podporované Európskou úniou

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Misi Norbert, LEAR ,


Gyöngyös je druhá najväčšie mesto v okrese Heves, centrum okresu Gyöngyös, s približne 27 000 obyvateľmi. Prvá písomná zmienka o meste pochádza z 13. storočia, no podľa najnovších historických výskumov to bolo už pri dobývaní, v 9. - 10. storočí  kedy  tu už žili obyvatelia.
História mesta Gyöngyös je prepletená s vinohradníctvom a výrobou vína, ktoré dodnes poskytuje obživu mnohým v meste a okolí. Gyöngyös je centrálnou obcou vinohradníckej oblasti Mátra, ktorá je druhou najväčšou vinárskou oblasťou v Maďarsku a má najväčšiu rozlohu.
Mesto na rozhraní Veľkej nížiny a Severného stredohoria je známe aj ako brána do Mátry, no ašpirácie posledných rokov smerujú k tomu, aby sa stalo hlavným mestom Mátry. Tu leží najvyšší vrch Maďarska Kékestető a najvyššie položené jazero v krajine Sástó. Mátra je so svojou vynikajúcou vybavenosťou, dobrým vzduchom a kvalitným ubytovaním jednou z najobľúbenejších turistických destinácií v krajine.



Târgu Secuiesc bol prvýkrát spomenutý v roku 1407 a vyhlásený za veľtrh v roku 1427 kráľom Žigmundom. Mesto malo v stredoveku významný cechový priemysel. Jeho zvláštnosťou je, že hlavné námestie obklopujú domy s dvormi. Kedysi slúžili ako trhoviská. Dnes je v meste 70 dvorov. Târgu Secuiesc sa nazýva aj mestom cechov, brán a dvorov, no mestečko sa nazývalo aj Paríž troch stolíc. Väčšina budov na hlavnom námestí Kézdivásárhely bola postavená v druhej polovici 19. storočia a začiatkom 20. storočia. Múzeum histórie cechu Lászlóa Incze sídli v budove bývalej radnice, postavenej v roku 1857.



Gyergyai Bettina, ,



Snježana Babić


Lendava je mesto s 3000 obyvateľmi, centrum oblasti Lendava, ktorá hraničí s Chorvátskom a Maďarskom. Nachádza sa pod horou Lendva, pozdĺž rieky Lendava.  Populácia je zmiešaná (Maďari tvoria štvrtinu národnosti), názvy, vzdelávanie a verejné služby sú dvojjazyčné. Okrem miestnej bilingválnej základnej školy je tu aj bilingválna stredná škola. Od roku 1958 pôsobí v Lendave Maďarský rozhlas menšiny Muravidék.
Pamiatky: Kostol sv. Kataríny, Evanjelický kostol, Synagóga, Galéria-múzeum, Kaplnka Najsvätejšej Trojice a Múmia Michala Hadika, Lendvahegy, Rozhľadňa Vinarium, ZipLine, Kúpele Lendava.
Je tiež mestom s platným rekordom v Guinnessovej knihe rekordov – ako hlavné mesto kotlíkov. Narodil sa tu aj Zala György, ktorý je zakladateľom Námestia hrdinov v Budapešti.
Ešte pár slov o lendavskej gastronómii: k typickým kulinárskym špecialitám patrí kotlík, lendavské biele víno, praclíky, chrumkavé škvarky, či stovrstvová štrúdľa z Muravy.



Mesto Lodygowice sa nachádza v južnom Poľsku a má viac ako 14 000 obyvateľov. Nachádza sa v malebnom prostredí  a napája sa priamo k jazeru Zywiecki. Vďaka dobre rozvinutej horskej cestnej sieti je veľmi ľahko dostupná pre turistov. Nachádza sa tu množstvo pamiatok vrátane neogotického zámockého a parkového komplexu alebo rímskokatolíckeho dreveného kostola postaveného v rokoch 1631-1634.

Je tiež veľmi známa  vďaka folklórnemu súboru Magurzanie a zboru Magurzanki. Doteraz súbor  vystúpil 550-krát a zbor 720-krát v mnohých európskych krajinách. 



Anita Filková, ,

Losonc min.jpg


Ingrid Garajová,, 


Mesto Lučenec je kultúrnym a hospodárskym centrom regiónu Novohrad a geografickým centrom južnej časti stredného Slovenska, o ktorom sa spomínajú prvé písomné zmienky v roku 1247. Nádherné secesné budovy  lemujú ulicu T.G. Masaryka vďaka jej rozvoju v 19. storočí.  Sídlili tu aj početné bankové inštitúcie, obchodné domy a Novohradská knižnica, ktorá funguje dodnes. Srdcom historického jadra mesta je Kubínyiho námestie, ktoré vzniklo na mieste starej tržnice pravdepodobne v stredoveku. Je tiež domovom historickej budovy Reduty, dvoch kostolov a Novohradského múzea a galérie, ako aj historickej Radnice. Jednou z najvyhľadávanejších a najpôsobivejších budov v tomto meste je zrekonštruovaná Synagóga.
Ak si chcete posedieť a oddýchnuť si v krásnom prírodnom prostredí, navštívte park vybudovaný vo francúzskom, anglickom a krajinárskom štýle, ktorý patrí k najkrajším na Slovensku. Srdečne vás pozývame na návštevu!



Na dohľad od legendárnych štítov hory Říp a stredovekých hradov Stredočeskej vrchoviny sa tu stretáva úrodná Polabská nížina s romantickými pieskovcovými roklinami Kokořínska. Tu, na svahoch nad sútokom dvoch najväčších českých riek Labe (česky Labe) a Moldau (nem. Moldau), už viac ako tisíc rokov rastie vinič slávneho mělnického vinohradu. Starobylé kráľovské mesto Mělník sa môže pochváliť jedinečným vínom a dlhou bohatou históriou s množstvom pamiatok.

Hrad, kostol s gotickou vežou a impozantnou kostenou komorou, tajomné podzemné chodby vedúce k unikátnej studni, monumentálna radnica, malebné meštianske historické domy, umelecká galéria pri bránach, ktorá chránila mesto pred votrelcami a múzeum na mieste kapucínskeho kláštora: to všetko máte na dosah ruky a pre turistu je ťažké rozhodnúť sa čo by chcel vidieť ako prvé.



Zuzana Syrová,

Spustenie projektu sa uskutočnilo v Gyöngyösi, v rámci festivalu Dni vína Mátra. Zástupcovia z partnerských miest pricestovali do mesta v piatok ráno, následne po rezervácii ubytovania a obede začal o 13:30 v obradnej sieni magistrátu mesta Gyöngyös prvý odborný workshop: zúčastnené mestá sa predstavili, následne bol dohodnutý víkendový program a bola slávnostne podpísaná zmluva o spolupráci konzorcia. Vedúci delegácií následne usporiadali tlačovú konferenciu. Slávnostné otvorenie programu sa uskutočnilo o 16:30, kde sa predstavili širokej verejnosti na pódiu festivalu Vínnych dní Mátra. Potom si pozreli kultúrny program Ľudového tanečného súboru Vidróczki. Večer bol ukončený návštevou pivnice a večerou s ochutnávkou vína. Odborný workshop pokračoval aj v sobotu: Primátor György Hiesz predstavil stratégiu rozvoja trvalo udržateľného mesta Gyöngyös, ako aj realizovaný, prebiehajúci a plánovaný rozvoj. Hosťovské mestá zadefinovali smery rozvoja, ktoré považovali za dôležité. Potom sa podrobne diskutovalo o udalostiach očakávaných v projekte: na akom podujatí sa čo očakáva, akí hostia sa očakávajú (napr. delegácia, mládežnícka skupina, zbor / súbor ľudového tanca atď.). Vedúci delegácií zúčastnených obcí sa zhodli na potrebe vypracovať spoločnú stratégiu rozvoja počas projektu. Po workshope sa projektoví manažéri dohodli na špecifikáciách a odbornej správe súvisiacej so stratégiou. Počas popoludnia sa uskutočnila prehliadka pamiatok: Účastníci navštívili Múzeum Mátra, Zbierku františkánskeho kostola a prešli sa mestom. Večer sa skončil večerou a prehliadkou programu festivalu. Projekt sa uzavrel v nedeľu a z hosťujúcich miest ráno opustili ubytovanie a zamierili domov. Odborného programu sa zúčastnilo 78 návštevníkov z 5 krajín, pričom komunikáciu výsledkov projektu výrazne uľahčili tisícky účastníkov festivalu Dni vína Mátra.


Rozvojové úsilie Gyöngyösu

Projektové podujatia

Event description sheet:



Kézdivásárhely v Rumunsku hostil v dňoch 17. až 19. júna 2022 delegácie z miest Gyöngyös (Maďarsko), Lendva (Slovinsko), Mělník (Česká republika) a Lučenec (Slovensko). Počas víkendu stráveného v malebnom mestečku mohli hostia v rámci organizovaných programov spoznať Kézdivásárhely ležiace v krajine prameňov z turistického, historického, kultúrneho a sociologického hľadiska. V prvý deň podujatia, v piatok napoludnie – po krátkej spoločnej prechádzke na hlavnom námestí –partneri predstavili aktuálne plány rozvoja svojho mesta. Následne v rámci workshopu každý účastník alebo zástupca každej delegácie predstavil konkrétne mechanizmy fungovania svojich samospráv, svoje skúsenosti a osvedčené postupy v oblasti cestovného ruchu a udržateľnej budúcnosti. Účelom workshopu bola výmena skúseností ohľadom špecifickej funkcionality správnych orgánov. Paralelne s výmenou skúseností bolo pre zástupcov miest prioritou aj bližšie sa spoznať. Na záver spoločných aktivít sa 17. júna začala krátka tlačová konferencia, v rámci ktorej sa zástupca primátora Dr. Szilveszter Szabolcs podelil o skúsenosti súvisiace s projektom. Na tlačovej konferencii vystúpili aj vedúci delegácií. Na druhý deň podujatia delegáti v sprievode sprievodkyne navštívili kúpele Bálványos, kde si v rámci krátkej prechádzky mohli vypočuť zaujímavé informácie o Kézdivásárhely ležiacom v krajine prameňov. Po prechádzke v Bálványosi mali možnosť popoludní navštíviť podujatie „Székely Vágta“ (jazdecké preteky) organizované na Óriás Pincetetö (Obria pivničná strecha) v Makse, čo je Székelyföldské predkolo Národných dostihov v cvale koní v Budapešti.

Event description sheet:


Fenntartható jövő –
2022. 06-17-19. 

In addition to preparing the project intentions and the specific Project Plan, the foreign participants were able to experience the traditional International Nograd Folklore Festival, which is one of the largest and most famous events in our region. It began to write its history in 1995, and for many years the audience could receive and experience performances by ensembles from all over the world. At this year's 5-day event, which took place on the territory of Nógrád, not only from the Slovak side, but also from the Hungarian side, the folklore ensembles of partners, directly from the city of Lodygowice with ZR MAGURZANIE, the Czech Republic and from Hungary.


In addition to the visual enjoyment, the project participants were able to get to know the local craftsmanship within the framework of the regional brand Produkt Novohrad, they could taste the region's traditional cuisine made from local ingredients and the local liquid gold from the craft brewery and wine cellar. In the framework of the three-day program, in addition to the professional workshops, the members of the delegations visited the Memorial House of Gyula Szabó, the Synagogue, and the City Museum. They viewed the exhibition of the Lost Novohrad in the Nograd museum and gallery and made souvenirs in the artistic workshop. The organizers of the Municipality of the City of the WE4EU 2022 joint project believe that all of the prepared activities made a positive impression on the participants.


In a year, they want to welcome foreign guests with the same pleasure, not only as partners, but also as friends.


Our traditions and your traditions - together along our values - WE4EU2022
Lučenec, Slovakia

Event description sheet:

On August 26th and 27th, 2022, delegations from Gyöngyös in Hungary, Melnik in the Czech Republic, Lodygowice in Poland, Târgu Secuiesc in Romania and Lučenec in Slovakia met in Lendava’s Town Hall for a three-hour workshop to discuss projects in the field of tourism. The participating towns introduced their recent, current and future tourism projects in several languages, while experts (urban planners, architects, project managers) introduced cases of good practice on local as well as EU level from a strictly professional point of view. We learned what and how things are being done in each of the participating countries and discussed cooperation options (e.g. in the field of sports tourism, student and athlete exchange from Hungary and the Czech Republic - our new sports hall, which is currently still under construction, will be very important in this matter).

During their two-day stay, our guests were also introduced to local gastronomy, wines and attractions, such as the Lutheran Church, the Lendava Synagogue, the House of Culture, the Vinarium observation tower, the Vinarium Zipline and the mummy of Mihael Hadik, a famous general who protected Lendava from the Turks and whose remains were preserved in a glass casket and put on display in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. The guests could try our local specialties and took a walk down the Main Streets of the Guinness World Capital of Bograč.
The participants could learn good practices.

Event description sheet:



The program of the meeting can be divided into two parts - in the first part of the program, the participants attended a professional seminar on the topic of climate change. The second part was facused on getting to know traditions, culture, and historical monuments as well as developing mutual relationships. The outcome of the professional workshop was the exchange of proposals, experiences and the sharing of climate threats across individual cities. Part of the workshop was also a survey carried out between the individual delegations, which showed that the biggest climate threat far all the participating cities is drought and the alternation of heavy rains. With this seminar, the city of Melník opened up the issue of climate change threats across other cities. The outcome of the entire meeting program was the mutual acquaintance of all interested parties and deepening of communication on common topics. As part of the program and organized activities, members of the delegations got to know the culture and historical traditions of the city of Melník and exchanged their experiences with projects in the field of tourism, preservation of traditions and specifically shared their knowledge from the development of traditional craft - winemaking. An equally significant impact of the event was the development of the topic of climate change threats and the preparedness of individual participating cities far these threats. According to the conclusions from the discussion of individual partner cities, the topic of adaptation to climate change will be developed within the framework of further cooperation among cities within this and other projects supported by the European Union.



Event description sheet:

On 23-25 September 2022. The Łodygowice Municipality hosted delegations from Gyöngyös (Hungary), Lendva (Slovenia), Melnik (Czech Republic) and Losonc (Slovakia) and Târgu Secuiesc (Romania). During the weekend, the guests had the opportunity to get to know the Łodygowice Municipality through a series of well-organised activities. 
On the first day of the weekend, the delegates visited the park and palace complex, which includes the historic Palace and Outbuildings. The Mayor welcomed all the partners who had arrived and thanked them for the large number of delegates present. Then the Manager of the Investment Development and Promotion Department, Mr Marcin Zyzak, presented the advantages of our commune, its strengths and further development directions. He was followed by the Director of the Community Cultural Centre, Ms Renata Talik, who presented the activities of her cultural unit and discussed the events and projects currently being implemented.

Then, during the workshop, each partner presented its investment and "soft" plans in the fields of culture, national heritage and infrastructure. Joint plans for future projects were also discussed. 
The aim of the workshop was to share experiences in raising external funds for Offices and subordinate units. During a short press conference, the problems each partner faces in implementing projects and how they can be minimised were discussed. 
The next day they visiting touristic destinations of Łodygowice , they went on a joint excursion to the top of Mount Skrzyczne, which offers a beautiful panorama of the Łodygowice Commune. After the hike, over a cup of coffee, they discussed plans for next year's meetings and touched on aspects of planning future projects. 
As part of the programme and activities organised, the members of the delegation, in addition to the partnership, made friends and discussed in more detail the professional challenges they were facing, thus giving the delegates an overview of the specific characteristics of each participating partner. Furthermore, the most important effect of the event was that the guests were able to get to know all the qualities of the Łodygowice Municipality from different perspectives and the values of European Union.

Event description sheet:


Through culture to friendship

On July 7-9 in 2023, the city of Mělník in the Czech Republic hosted delegates from partner cities: Gyöngyös from Hungary, Târgu Secuiesc from Romania, Lučenec from Slovakia and Łodygowice from Poland as part of the ongoing WE4EU project i.

The city of Mělník with about 20,000 inhabitants is known for its rich historical and cultural tradition, its vineyards, which are unusual in this part of the Czech Republic, but also for its cultural festivals - e.g. the Mělník vintage, the Sea near Mělník and the Mělník broom.
The goal of the city of Mělník as part of the project is to create and develop long-term partnerships with other cities and then participate together in the challenges announced by the EU in the program period until 2027 in accordance with the jointly established development strategy. An integral part is also the joint intention of building and developing social, economic, environmental and cultural relations in Europe with the participation of local governments and other interested parties operating at the local level, including entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations and local citizens. 
The event was started on Thursday afternoon at Hotel Liblice, which is the conference center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, by the deputy mayor of Mělník, Petr Kowanda and the councilor, JUDr. Jindřich Špergl. Then the participants moved to the conference hall for a professional workshop on the topic: the use of rainwater in urban development.

In the beginning, the main points of the program were presented, and then the individual groups from the partner cities were invited to first elaborate their solutions to the individual ways of using rainwater in urban development, and then introduce them to the other participants in the form of a short presentation.  The following day, foreign delegations had the opportunity to learn about concrete solutions for the use of rainwater right in the center of the capital of the Czech Republic – Prague. 
In the second part of the program, the delegation participated in a traditional festival of food and theater - the Sea near Mělník.



Event description sheet:

2023 The partners met in Losonc, Slovakia, from 18 to 20 August. The meeting started with a technical workshop on project design involving 6 countries. Even if the project was not successful, we laid the foundation for cooperation. A successful project made it possible to get to know each other, gain information and experiences. Not only thanks to regular e-mail, telephone and online communication at previous and future events, but also thanks to very important personal communication and meetings during the events in each of the countries. A musical group from the Hungarian city Gyöngyös also performed at the event. In addition to the partners, young cyclists from this city also visited the city of Lučenec on these days. Thanks to the project, visitors to the event could also take a train and see the land from a different perspective. The meeting of generations, many nationalities and cultures had a positive effect on the event itself, establishing contacts and supporting the perception of the EU community.
The event was held as part of the Lučenské hodovanie - Lučenec City Days 2023. During the three days, numerous concerts, craft fairs, family programs and gastronomic demonstrations awaited the visitors. The program of the delegation was filled in the working part with a workshop on implemented projects, a lecture on the restoration of the Synagogue and a demonstration of good practice.
We discussed the results of this project and other city projects presented during the visit in 2022 in the field of tourism, infrastructure expansion and others. The goal was to present how we have progressed since 2022 within the cities and our cooperation.
They evaluated the project as successful and beneficial. The municipalities shared many examples of good practice. Cities and residents got to know each other. They presented their traditions and culture. They created a strong partnership within the EU and in accordance with its principles. They continue to cooperate and submitted joint projects within the framework of EU support.
The cities presented their realized and planned projects. Visitors to the event had the opportunity to get to know the partner cities and the WE4EU2022 project. Thanks to the performance of a musical group from the city of Gyöngyös, the possibility of cooperation expanded and the event gained another dimension within the EU. The partners evaluated the successful project and supported the intention of further cooperation.

Event description sheet:


Our traditions, your traditions - together, along our values - WE4EU2022

The project partners met in Slovenia, Lendava, between 1-3. September 2023. The event was part of the Vinarium Festival, which focuses on the display, preservation and promotion of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the local multilingual area. For several years now, the traditional “Lendava grape harvest” parade has been raising awareness among the local population and visitors about the importance and value of cultural heritage and enriching the cultural and tourist offer of the town and the region.

At a joint conference, all project partners presented their cultural heritage and the ways in which it is preserved, displayed and promoted. The “Lendava grape harvest” parade itself was an example of how cultural heritage becomes an important event for the identity and promotion of a place and its characteristics.

Through mutual discussions and presentations, we expect to prepare and implement joint projects that will contribute to the development and preservation of the cultural heritage of our cities. The event ended successfully with new insights, experiences and, above all, contacts with people who have experience in preparing and implementing projects. Together with our partners, we are developing European values and, in the future, joint projects for the preservation and development of cultural heritage, tourism, quality and sustainable living.

The large audience of the Harvest Festival got to know the participating towns. The programme received a lot of media coverage. Informing citizens about the close of the joint project. Presentation of foreign partners. Description of goals and tasks. The participating cities presented their experiences of the project in a presentation. Participants noted that the objectives set for the project had been jointly achieved. In total, 10 events were organised in the 6 participating countries. 



Event description sheet:

The project WE4EU2022 (project number: 101053930) was launched in May 2022 at the Mátra Wine Days and implemented with direct funding from Brussels, closed  in the banquet hall of the Gyöngyös Town Hall on the weekend of the Harvest Days Festival (12-14. september 2023.). The project was implemented in ten events by six municipalities from six countries. In the 1,5 half yer term project, addition to Gyöngyös, the project also involved Lucenec in Slovakia, Mělník in the Czech Republic, Lodygowice in Poland, Târgu Secuiesc in Romania and Lendava in Slovenia. The six cities have met 10 times, with the aim of strengthening personal contacts as well as building international relations. In the future, these will provide a solid basis for the cities to bid for larger EU tenders in consortia.

During its three days, numerous concerts, craft fairs, family programs and gastronomic demonstrations awaited those interested. 
"We managed to make friends, get to know each other's culture, gastronomy and working methods, and discussed how to participate in the European Union tenders in the most efficient way and how to use these funds in the best way," said Tamás Kévés, Deputy Mayor of Gyöngyös, adding that the cities exchanged important experiences on how to properly deal with the problems caused by war and inflation and how to survive them. At the 10 meetings held under the project, the cities also developed joint development ideas, as well as learning about each other's good practices, traditions and heritage.

The implementation of the project was coordinated by Dr. Lénártné Bene Anikó, Managing Director of the Gyöngyös Urban Area Development Nonprofit Ltd. The consortium is planning further cooperation, so the project that has now been completed could be a precursor for further tenders and further cooperation between the participating cities. A tree planting ceremony was held at the end of the project. In the area adjacent to the Active House project, also funded by the EU, each of the participating municipalities planted a tree as a symbol of the fruitful relationship.

The partners discussed the results of this project, then held together a press conference.  The mayors of the participating towns spoke about what results they got from the project. In the framework of the workshop the cities decides they agreed on future joint projects.



"Az Európai Unió által finanszírozott. A kifejtett nézetek és vélemények azonban kizárólag a szerző(k) sajátjai, és nem feltétlenül tükrözik az Európai Unió vagy EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY nézeteit és véleményét. Ezekért sem az Európai Unió, sem a támogatást nyújtó hatóság nem tehető felelőssé."

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

Event description sheet:


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